Are Annual Checkups Really Necessary?

Are Annual Checkups Really Necessary?

Going to the doctor every year might seem like a bit of a hassle, especially if you’re a healthy adult, but annual checkups are an essential part of maintaining your health. Here are a few reasons why it’s worth your time and effort.

1. Some diseases and conditions do not have obvious symptoms

You might think you’re fine, but how do you really know? Many viruses and bacteria can reside in the human body for weeks, months or even years without exhibiting any symptoms. This is particularly true of sexually transmitted diseases (STD), many of which are often asymptomatic, especially in men. Even if you don’t notice that you have a common STD, such as gonorrhea or chlamydia, you can still pass it to your partner, leading to potential fertility problems in the future. Patients may also be living with issues such as cancer, high blood pressure, and high cholesterol, that are unaware of but will surface in a health checkup.

2. Finding a problem earlier makes it easier to treat

Whether you’re dealing with a minor ailment or something more serious, most medical conditions are easier to deal with if a physician catches them in the early stages. Annual checkups and routine screenings can save lives in severe cases.


3. It will save you time and money in the long-run

If you catch a medical condition or problem in its early stages, the odds are higher that doctors will be able to deal with it quickly and efficiently.

4. It will help build trust between you and your doctor

Having a regular primary physician that you consistently see over a prolonged period of time offers all sorts of benefits. Your doctor is an important person in your life who should be able to gauge significant changes in your mental and physical health.

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Wellness Center

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Dr. Chaiwat Suanya


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