When Is It Time to Get a Mammogram?

Mammograms, or routine screenings for breast cancer, are the best way to protect yourself against a deadly, potentially life-threatening disease. Here is some advice from the doctors at Bangkok Hospital Siriroj’s Women’s Center.   1. Why do you need to get a mammogram? Breast cancer is a leading cause of death in women, however, if it […]

Scooter Safety

Motorbikes and scooters are a common means of transportation in Thailand. Unfortunately, they also carry a serious risk of injury. Here are some guidelines from the doctors at Bangkok Hospital Siriroj’s Emergency Center on how to stay safe.   Think twice before taking a motorbike taxi, especially in high-traffic areas. Thailand is famous for its […]

Medical Tourism Phuket Travel Itinerary

For many years, Thailand has been one of the world’s leading medical tourism destinations. It’s not hard to see why. The doctors at establishments such as Bangkok Hospital Siriroj Wellness Center are top-notch physicians trained to the highest international standards, yet the cost for many common procedures is significantly most affordable than it would be for comparable […]

10 Questions to Ask Before Surgery

Despite incredible advances in medical technology, going in for surgery can still be unsettling and it is important to prepare yourself by asking the right questions in advance. The highly trained physicians at Bangkok Hospital Siriroj  Minimally Invasive Surgery centre are there to help answer them.     1. What anesthesia options do I have? […]

COVID-19: Know the facts

As many countries are imposing strict restrictions to slow the spread of Coronavirus, you may be wondering what you can do to keep yourself and your family from getting infected. Separate facts from fiction, and know your Do’s and DONT’s:   For COVID-19 test, please click here.

Preparing for Cosmetic Surgery: Are You Ready?

You’ve decided you want to have cosmetic surgery, but are you prepared to do so? Here are some questions to ask yourself courtesy of the medical professionals at Bangkok Hospital Siriroj: Phuket Plastic Surgery Institute.   1. Have you carefully considered your decision? Having any kind of surgical procedure is a serious decision that should not […]

Innovations in Plastic Surgery

The last few decades have seen incredible technological advancements in multiple fields, but few have benefited as greatly as cosmetic surgery. Procedures nowadays are safer and more effective than they have ever been. Here, the doctors at Bangkok Hospital Siriroj Phuket Plastic Surgery Institute (PPSI) share just a few of the ways in which their field […]

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