Fevers, Coughs and Falls: When Should I Bring my Baby to the Hospital?

Fevers, Coughs and Falls: When Should I Bring my Baby to the Hospital?

When you’re the parent of a newborn baby or a small child, every situation can feel like a full-blown medical crisis. While it’s totally normal to want to protect your very small and fragile new family member, it’s important to be able to distinguish between a minor issue and a cause for alarm. Here’s when to seek help from the doctors at Bangkok Hospital Siriroj Children’s Clinic.

  1. Your child cannot stop vomiting. This can be caused by a number of factors. If left unchecked, it can lead to severe dehydration. If your child has vomited repeatedly and is having difficulty keeping down fluids, they may need an IV drip.
  1. Your child has a high fever (38.5+ degree Celsius). This is one of the most serious red flags and should be taken care of immediately, especially in infants under two months.
  1. Your child has been in an accident. If your child has been involved in an automobile collision or any other form of road traffic accidents, they may have internal injuries that are not immediately obvious. When in doubt, have a doctor examine them to be on the safe side.
  1. Your child keeps crying and you are not sure why. This is not always an immediate cause for alarm, but if your baby seems to be in pain and is crying more than normal, it could be indicative of something else.
  1. Your child is having difficulty breathing. If your child’s breathing feels irregular or strained, it could be a sign of a severe respiratory infection.
  1. Your child’s pulse feels erratic or weak and their skin colour looks abnormal. These are indications that your child’s circulatory system is not functioning properly.
  1. Your child has fallen. A small tumble is no big deal, but if your child has fallen from any considerable height, go to the hospital. Another 2 signs that you can use when you are considering taking your child to the hospital are their cry or reactions after the accident and their speech.

If your child falls, cries and then after a short while, they start playing again, in this case, you may just observe their symptoms if anything gets worse. But if not, it’s likely that everything is ok.

However, if your child becomes quiet, confused or depressed, throws up, especially if their speech is slurred and they seem to be having difficulty focusing, this could be a sign of a concussion or some form of brain trauma. In this case, please seek professional medical help immediately.

  1. Your child has swallowed something they should not have. Babies like to put things in their mouths, which can sometimes lead to real trouble. Whether it’s too many vitamin pills or the wrong medication, if you suspect they have consumed something dangerous, call poison control or head to the hospital.
  1. Your child has any form of burn. Burns can cause serious, lasting injury and should be dealt with immediately.

Related center:
Children’s Clinic

Related doctor:
Dr. Panrawee Meemarayart , M.D.

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