Acupuncture is an ancient Chinese method of healing.
*Herbal therapies may be combined with acupuncture treatment.
By combining Western knowledge and techniques, acupuncture has become an acceptable and sought after treatment for many disorders.
Acupuncture improves blood circulation and energy flow in the body, balancing bodily functions (yin and yang) and gradually eliminating aches and pains. Although the aches and pains are located at specific points in the body, this holistic approach to treatment does not concentrate on any one area in particular; it regards all parts of the body as being interconnected in the same system.
Acupuncture needles and their positioning must be suited to each patient’s physiology.
Sterile and disposable needles are used to ensure the total safety of our patients.
Diseases and disorders specifically mentioned by The World Health Organization that can benefit from Acupuncture Treatment by a specialist include:
- Stroke rehabilitation (DVD, Paralysis)
- Headaches (migraines, tension headaches)
- Office syndrome
- Insomnia
- Asthma
- Allergy
- Dementia (Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s)
- Myofascial pain
- Weight loss program